Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa's workshop in Richardson, TX

Aunt Kelly and Mimi took the boys and cousin Colin to the Santa's workshop on Friday night. they had a blast, visiting with Santa and seeing him come in on a Fire Truck! They went through some of the houses and got reindeer food and balloon sword. They (Hayden and Colin) got their noses painted red to be like Rudolph. The weather was great, which is a good thing since it is freezing now. Nate once again wouldn't have his picture taken!

Thanks Aunt Kelly and Mimi!!!

1 comment:

kelly said...

At least Nate went into Santa's house which was a little closer than the last time he saw the big guy. Santa's Village at Arapaho and 75 is free. Dec 18, 19, 20 and 21 are the last weekend for this event. The time is 6-9pm. We all got there at 5:20 to be in line for Santa. We were the fourth in line. Lots of fun to be had.